Home Economics
Child Development
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Art and Design
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Road Traffic Studies

Upper Sixth

Upper Sixth will study three modules and spend approximately NINE weeks on each module.

Module Four
Spain and Europe 1556-1558

  1. Spain under Philip II: cultural, economic and political perspectives:

a.       Philip II and the Church; cultural achievements

b.      Government finances and the economy of Spain

c.       Internal problems: personal rule, faction and opposition, administration; the revolt of the Moriscos, the Perez affair and the revolt of Aragon.

  1. Spain’s European concerns: cultural, economic and political perspectives on Spain’s attitude and policies towards:

a.       Netherlands

b.      France

c.       England

Module Five
Crown and Parliament in England 1600-1702

  1. The changing role and status of Parliament: the attempts to preserve the Ancient Constitution:

a.       The role of Parliaments in Early Stuart England and their relations with the Early Stuarts

b.      The experiments of the Interregnum: the Rump, ‘Barebones’, the Parliaments of the Protectorate

c.       Relations between the later Stuarts and their parliaments; the changed role and functions of Parliaments by 1702

  1. The changing powers and prerogatives of the Crown: the theory of Divine Right: its religious basis

a.       How the constitutional ‘revolution’ of 1640-1641 affected the powers and prerogatives of the monarchy

b.      The Restoration and Revolution settlements: assessment of their impact on royal power

c.       The changes of the powers of the crown in the period 1690-1702

Module Six
The Later Stuarts 1660-1668

  1. Political developments 1660-1668

a.       Ministers and methods of relating to Parliaments

b.      Foreign Policy

c.       The path towards solvency

  1. Economic and Cultural developments

a.       Population, prices, agriculture, industry and trade

b.      Cultural achievements: the scientific revolution

c.       The development of the Church of England after 1660; the challenge to its supremacy from the Nonconformists and the Catholics.

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