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In Key Stage 3, to promote the reciprocal nature of Talking, Listening, Reading and Writing, our English teachers have produced units of work tailored to the aptitudes and abilities of our students. These lend themselves to a variety of approaches and provide the pupils with access to a range of literature including Shakespeare, poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction and media. During each term pupils complete assessments in Language and Literature during term which are marked in levels ( and marks). At the end of Year 9, classes 9.1 and 9.2 , are streamed, using their Year 9 June results, into the two classes 10.1 and 10.2. This is to assist individual progress and achievement in the KS3 tests. PROGRESSIONProgression may be monitored through assessment and recording. English is a recursive subject; we revisit the “same” tasks over and over again throughout the Key Stages, but each time the pupil meets them, s/ he should achieve a deeper understanding of what is required and how well s/ he has achieved this. Formative assessment will take place throughout the academic year. Summative assessment will take place in January and June.
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